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Ayurveda - The Ancient Science of Life

Аюрведа - древняя наука о жизниThe word "Ayurveda" has whiter than three thousand years. In Sanskrit, the word means "science of life". The technique is based on the Ayurvedic healing very cause of the disease rather than its consequences disease, which usually fights European medicine. three postulates form the basis of Ayurveda. The first "wool" (air) says that the body should be a free flow of energy, and have the necessary balance nerve impulse muscle contraction with normal hormonal activity. The second postulate "pitta" (fire) talks about TomTom, that the body should be normal metabolism and cardiac activity. The third postulate of "burl" (land and water) or mucus states that the body needs to be healthy immune system.

According to recent data, in Sri Lanka, there are more than 6,000 graduates, most of whom have a seven-year course of study, and then two years of practice in a public hospital. The skilled person will be able to recognize the problem of any organism, and assign the appropriate procedures. Ayurveda has at its disposal a huge number of medicinal products having a natural origin - plants, herbs, resins, as well as oils from the seeds of these plants.

Many Sri Lanka hotels offer a diverse selection of ayurvedic programs. Guests can opt for example in favor of the one-day course, however, the only treatment for 2 - 3 weeks to a few months can give the maximum effect. Keep in mind that Ayurveda programs are of the healing for your body and bring health on the mental level as the patient and the doctor himself, namely:Аюрведа - древняя наука о жизни

  • Removing stress, fatigue and anxiety,
  • Oxygen saturation,
  • Stimulation of muscular systems of the body, elimination of toxins,
  • Restoring the balance of the nervous system,
  • Restoring blood flow of the skin and internal organs,
  • The production of endorphins.

Standard treatment includes body massage and scalp using special oils, as well as the herbal sauna (steam-bass), and ends with a bath treatment with infusion of herbs. One of the most popular techniques - Shirodara procedure includes at Kotoy for 20 minutes in the central part of the forehead, rhythmically warm herbal oil dripping. It is considered the most effective in the treatment of migraine and other disorders of the central nervous system. Head and face massage, using warm oil with additives, helps to relax the nervous system and to achieve the necessary balance between the energies that govern the functioning of the brain and body massage reduces pain and gives a sense of total relaxation.

Below are a few tips for those who decided to take advantage of Ayurvedic treatment:

It is necessary to forget about problems.For the greatest effect of the massage should relax and clear your head of all thoughts. Try to follow this state until you return home.

The correct location.Location and atmosphere of your hotel should be fully consistent with your perception of comfort. We should not think that the larger and more expensive the hotel, the better the treatment.

What should I expect?The treatment involves a combination of a healthy diet, various treatments and baths, exercise, special lectures on the recovery of the body, as well as other activities in line with your hobbies (eg yoga). This will give the best effect.

You must select the correct program.You can start with a total body massage or facial, then discuss your concerns and wishes with the doctor. Having tried several different treatments of 25 minutes each, you get a more realistic idea of the different types of therapy.

Take a warm bath before treatment.It is best to start the procedure with a warm bath, which warm up your muscles and help you relax.

Desirable light meal before the procedure.Easy food 2 hours before the massage is welcome. During the massage, the body's blood flow increases, but if you ate tightly, all the blood rushes to your internal organs, and the volume of oxygen, enriching the blood, which goes to your muscles, will be minimal.

Relaxation after procedures.Relaxation after the next procedure is necessary for the success of any Ayurvedic program. By using different oils, it is necessary to follow the advice of your doctor when and how to use them.

Massage in the open air.Excellent experience with the dissolution of nature give a massage in the open air, during which you can enjoy the chirping of birds and the cries of monkeys, and relaxing music will rustle of the ocean waves.

Be sure to trust your doctor.Honestly sharing your problems with a doctor, you will get 100% out of the procedure. If you want to feel comfortable during the procedure, share your wishes with the doctor and masseur.

Silence as an aid.Try not to talk during the entire procedure, to the healing power of massage has left your body. Stay in a meditative silence. Harmony in the body - the main guarantee of their health.

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