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АюрведаSri Lanka is famous for its aervedicheskimi doctors. Many who have experienced the effectiveness of Ayurvedic therapies are returned to Sri Lanka again, to consolidate the results and solutions to health problems in many different areas. Understand Do you ayurveda help, and most importantly how long should your last course of treatment is possible only after consultation with a specialist - Ayurvedic doctors.

We are pleased to offer you the service of an experienced Ayurvedic doctor visit, the head physician of one of the famous Ayurvedic clinics in Sri Lanka - Niroga in Maduganga. 1 hour consultation doctor costs 40 USD. In the process of communication with the doctor, you will be able to understand the origins of your illness, and choose for themselves the best treatment option.

Ayurveda does not tolerate haste, and the state of your mind and way of life at the time of the treatment play an important role. The purpose of consultation, to determine how much should be your course of treatment lasts, and when you're ready for it. You can start treatment immediately, and you can plan your visit in a few months or even a year.

If you want to get real results from Ayurvedic treatments, then you need is in the hospital under medical supervision. treatment option when you go through the day treatments, and in the evening and at night come off in a nightclub virtually useless. The minimum recommended course of treatment 2 weeks, although the actual results achieved during the course of 3 weeks.

АюрведаHowever, if you want to form their own impression of the effectiveness of Ayurveda, you can undergo a series of procedures which will almost immediately relaxing effect. One of the most common procedures is the massage "Third Eye" - Shirodhara (shiro - head, dahra - treatment). Shirodhara combines Indian massage technique with the impact of falling drops of special aromatic oils. This procedure has beneficial effects on the entire body, from the nervous system and ending smoothing facial wrinkles. "Third eye" incentive has a strong influence on the brain centers that produce a substance as serotonin - a chemical that causes a feeling of pleasure and relaxation. It also releases the subtle energy channels along the spine.

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