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Royal Botanical Garden - Peradeniya

Королевский Ботанический СадRoyal Botanical Gardens (Royal Botanical Garden) in Peradeniya one of the best in Asia. Created in 1821, the garden is located 12 km away from Kandy, in the bend of the Mahaweli River - the largest river of Sri Lanka. Most gardeners Sri Lanka defeated the huge hilly territory to parks, reflecting the different types of tropical flora. The contrast of colors and ornamental flowering trees, most of which bloom in the dry season, fascinates visitors. One of the most amazing areas - a collection of indoor plants (750 species), the dignity that is unique leaf shape and variety of colors. But the main attraction of the garden - ornamental orchids (about 100 species). The garden is famous for its collection of 175 species of trees and yet these trees not only decorate the landscape, but also to supply the person with everything you need: food, clothing, shelter, fuel ... In addition to ornamental and useful plants in the garden there is an alley of memorial trees planted by Heads of State and prominent people who visited the country. The first memorial tree was planted by King Edward the Seventh - Bo-tree. Second, Ceylon ironwood - the national symbol of Sri Lanka, planted the Russian Tsar Nicholas II in 1891. There is a tree planted by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The garden grows a lot of trees with strange fruits and unusual colors for the increased interest of tourists. An integral part of the garden are flying foxes, bunches hanging from the trees and flocks of ubiquitous monkeys. Ceylon ironwood - the national symbol of Sri Lanka, planted the Russian Tsar Nicholas II in 1891. There is a tree planted by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The garden grows a lot of trees with strange fruits and unusual colors for the increased interest of tourists. An integral part of the garden are flying foxes, bunches hanging from the trees and flocks of ubiquitous monkeys. Ceylon ironwood - the national symbol of Sri Lanka, planted the Russian Tsar Nicholas II in 1891. There is a tree planted by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The garden grows a lot of trees with strange fruits and unusual colors for the increased interest of tourists. An integral part of the garden are flying foxes, bunches hanging from the trees and flocks of ubiquitous monkeys.

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