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Dambulla Cave Temple

ДамбуллаGolden Temple of Dambulla - a unique Buddhist temple located in a cave in the mountains of Sri Lanka. This is a sacred place for 22 century is a place of religious pilgrimage. Also the temple declared a World Cultural Heritage and protected by UNESCO.

Golden Temple of Dambulla was founded in the I century BC In its creation and development attended by many of the ancient rulers of Sri Lanka. The temple is located directly inside the rock and took a set of five man-made caves. First Dambulla is famous for the largest collection of Buddha statues - 153 of them here, and some sculptures for more than two thousand years. Seventy-three statues are covered with pure gold - because of their temple and got its name.

The walls of the caves are densely covered with frescoes and traditional Buddhist paintings. In fact, the temple is a huge gallery of rock art. The paintings depict the key moments in the life of the Buddha - the birth, enlightenment, renunciation of a rich life, preaching, and many more.

The cultural and historical significance of this place can not be overestimated - the Golden Temple of Dambulla is absolutely unique, it is one of the treasures of Buddhist culture. Among the faithful Buddhist temple profaned, but even non-religious people certainly get pleasure from prevailing here the atmosphere of antiquity and tranquility.

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