Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
Elephants occupy an important place in the life of Sri Lanka, so in Pinnawala state elephant nursery was created, which opened in 1975. Here comes young individuals left without parents or victims of poachers. In the nursery elephants receive little education, after which some of the elephants come to zoos around the world. Others are used for heavy work in Sri Lanka. The grown elephants can produce offspring, which is the main purpose of the nursery. Now there are more than 40 elephants, the youngest of which is about 4 months. The best time to visit the nursery is the feeding and bathing. Here tourists have a unique opportunity to observe at close range for these animals and, if lucky, see as the smallest elephant fed from a bottle of milk. The reserve is 40 km from Kandy slightly away from the Colombo-Kandy main road (1 hour drive).