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Home > Attractions in Sri Lanka > Kandy
In the center of the artificial lake, the creation of the last king of Kandy. The residential area is located in the mountains south of the lake, and the city occupies the northern and western areas. In the center, on a small island built the Royal Summer Palace, where Sri Vikrema Radzhasinghe kept his harem. On the shore of the lake is the Dalada Maligawa - Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic. Since 311, when the tooth appeared on the island in the hair Hemamaly princess relic it became a symbol of sovereignty. State capital is the city, where the Buddha's tooth. When in 1590 came Tooth in Kandy, King Vimala Dharma Suriya I built a two-storey temple at the Royal Palace, where it was placed the relic. Wood carving, Since the temple was located in the territory of the royal palace, he had access only to the king and the chief priests. Now the doors are open the clock room service, and you can observe from a distance the shrine. With relic associated one of the most colorful processions in the East - a festival of Esala Perahera . Each year before the August full moon shrine imposed on public display. The procession passing through the streets, involved dozens of elephants, covered with colorful blankets with bells and illuminations, hundreds of dancers, acrobats and musicians. Thousands of people flock to the temple to see this magnificent spectacle. The temple has many other treasures: a collection of ancient manuscripts, miniature Buddha from a variety of emerald Buddha made of rock crystal and jade, gold Buddha. Temple of the Tooth Relic was part of a huge complex of buildings: the church was located north of the Royal Palace, the Palace of the Queen's audience hall. Retaining only the public sector of the Royal Palace. Now in the palace of the National Museum. |
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