Sri Lankan Escape
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ПолоннаруваCity of Polonnaruwa (Polonnaruwa), the medieval capital of Sri Lanka (1070-1293 gg.), And today is one of the most important centers of the country's cultural heritage. For many years the residence of Polonnaruwa Anuradhapura rulers, where they liked to rest, as well as in the days of hiding Tamil invasions, one of which ended with the capture of the northern part of the island. Ironically, the occupants gave Polonnaruwa status of the capital. In 1070 King Lankan Vidzhayabahu I successfully freed Polonnaruwa, expelled the invaders from the island's Sinhala and regained sovereignty. In 1073 g it formally ascended the throne at Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa adopted but the administrative capital of the island. During the reign of King Parakramabahu the Great (1153-1186 gg.) Sri Lanka has become known as one of the richest countries in the east. His philosophy was: not a single drop, fallen from heaven, should not fall into the sea without benefiting man. Huge forces and means the king sent for the construction of a complex irrigation system in the dry area of ​​Polonnaruwa and the terrain became favorable for life. To this day, preserved artificial lake, channels, swimming pools.

Archaeological excavations, ongoing since the beginning of the 20th century, helped to see the remains of the ancient city. An unforgettable experience produce the ruins of buildings, palaces and monasteries. But the main attraction is the Polonnaruwa Gal Vihara stone temple - the most famous temple of Sri Lanka. Four statues of Buddha in various poses are carved into the granite rock, and date back to the XII century. Despite its enormous size, the sculpture is very realistic. Of great interest is the third statue of a 7 meter high Buddha in an unusual pose with arms crossed over his chest. It is believed that the purpose of the sculptor of antiquity was the desire to emphasize the humanity of the Buddha. The Archaeological Museum of Polonnaruwa collection of jewelry, household items, old coins, religious statues.

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