Sri Lankan Escape
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White Water Rafting

Рафтинг на Шри-ЛанкеVisited at least once in Ceylon travelers know that to resist the temptation of active and sometimes even extreme rest in these places is very difficult, even inexperienced tourist. Especially because this recreation options in this tourist oasis differ impressive variety and the real attraction. on mountain rivers rafting, also known as white water rafting has long been practiced in Russia in Siberia and the Caucasus foothills, but in Sri Lanka this sport from the first minute turns into a fascinating journey through the most beautiful places of this magical island, which helps brave until the end realize the popular expression " stunning beauty of nature. " Although it is worth to say, that special courage for rafting in Sri Lanka is not required on each route - all alloys are divided according to the degree of difficulty,

Main River, where rafting is practiced for everyone who wants to - it Kalu River and Bentota, along which there are special tourist centers devoted to service tourists who dared to extreme "water treatment". The most secure option is the descent down the river offers canoeing along separate quiet areas, which will allow to fully enjoy the luxury of an exotic expressive nature. Monkeys, lizards, parrots, elephants and crocodiles, even the small island - it is not a complete list of wildlife inhabiting the vicinity of the main rivers of Ceylon. And all this merry company in constant motion among lush subtropical vegetation, richly decorated with picturesque river banks.

Рафтинг на Шри-ЛанкеAs for the present professional rafting, the newcomers should immediately realize the cardinal rule - any alloy is, above all, coordinated actions of the entire team, on which depends the safety of each member of the group. Of course, this vacation option requires good physical preparation, utmost attention to the instruction and in the process of the alloy. The basic equipment for this "adrenaline" tour - a raft or inflatable, which is a six-raft, controlled by local guides. Ammunition for tourists - helmets and life jackets are provided in the above-mentioned special centers that allows you to fully equipping themselves for the upcoming drive. The most difficult areas for active rafting are in Kelani river basin and the river distance Kirindi Oh. Here, the conquerors of mountain thresholds will need all of their ability to deal with fast-flowing and unexpected obstacles. Each route is classified by level of difficulty, giving a choice in line with the experience and physical education. Also alloys, occupying a few hours, you can offer many days journey on the river with a guide, which clearly will be the most vivid impression of your life.

And finally, a warning is not quite correct, which may spoil some travelers emotional surprises, while others will help to keep the nervous system. As during amateur rafting, so on a professional distance local guides like "accidentally" upsetting the canoe or raft on the specific areas where the tourists struggling in the water no danger. This is a traditional adventure included in the total entertainment program, giving everyone the opportunity to experience a unique daredevil intensity of emotions, for which, in fact, are started all these vicissitudes.

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