Sri Lankan Escape
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РатнапураSince ancient times, Sri Lanka is known as Ratnadvipa - "the land of gems." Perhaps, the island was the biblical Tarshish, where King Solomon received jewels, elephants and peacocks. Marco Polo mentions in his notes a huge ruby ​​adorned Dagaba stupa in Anuradhapura - "flawless ruby ​​9 inches in length and thickness equal to the circumference of a man's hand." Perhaps it is a bit exaggerated, but the stones are mined here, are highly prized by jewelers all over the world. Most gems, decorating unique jewelry of the world, found in Sri Lanka. King of precious stones is Ceylon sapphire. Blue Sapphire 400 carats, the "Blue Belle" decorating the British crown, great star sapphire "Star of India" at 536 carats, as well of local origin.

Production begins after consulting the astrologer for an auspicious moment the start of work, and then made an offering local Bahirava demon guarding the bowels of the earth. Other offerings made at the nearby temple, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a mosque or a church, according to the miners worship. In experiments prospector knows how to dig a pit, and in what Ратнапураdirection. Over time, the miners' tools have not changed significantly, despite the fact that the technical progression and reached here: electric generators to pump water pumps, pneumatic hammers ... The rocks rise from the mines in the baskets with the help of ropes and washed into the nearest river in special wicker baskets. Light rock washed with water, and heavy settle at the bottom of the basket. Sorter or the head of the farm are browsing the remaining stones. Sometimes you can find a handful of gems, and sometimes nothing. Large stones are sold through auction. Money received from the sale, are divided between the members of the farm, depending on the proportion invested in the business. Typically, the owner of land or stock holders receive a greater percentage.

Tourists have a unique opportunity to visit the mine and existing mill for processing precious stones. The State Museum Ratnapura collection of fossil elephants, rhinos and hippos found in the mines of Ratnapura, as well as a large collection of precious and semi-precious stones and jewelry.

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