Sigiriya Rock Fortress
In Sri Lanka, in the V century. BC Caçapa (477-495 gg.), The eldest son of King datus (459-477 gg.), Was to inherit the throne, but his father decided in favor of the younger son Moggallana (Kassapa's mother was a concubine). Kassapa kindled hatred for his father and put him in prison, and in 477, he took part in his killing. Moggallana was horrified by the terrible deeds older brother and fled to South India. Fearing reprisals, Kassapa decided to build the capital in a remote place. And he chose the rock Sigiriya (Sigiriya), 180 m in height. The king and his architects have cleared the area around the rock and built a magnificent city, surrounded by gardens with fountains and pools. He built the most amazing staircase in the world: the step cut between the legs, neck and jaws of a lion incredible sizes. Leo - the emblem of the state and form of intimidation. On top of the rock palace-citadel was built. Citadel begins with "lion platform" from which there were only feet. Steps lead to the terrace measuring 1.7 hectares, where once was a palace.
According to the description of travel pediment of the palace, built of marble and surrounded by gardens and ponds, it was paved with precious stones. Well preserved giant royal throne. Travelers also describe the gallery with frescoes and "mirror wall", polished with the help of the mineral. Murals depicting a procession of princesses, or the ladies of the palace, as it were floating in the air, and the coating composition from the egg white with honey of wild bees, have kept their vibrant colors. Unfortunately, of the 500 murals survived only 18. In 18 years of rule from the top of the cliff Kassapa imagines himself the master of the universe. Confident of his strength, he sent a message to his brother, who had returned from India with an army that wants to fight him on the plain. But the decision was made unsuccessfully. In the midst of the battle Kassapa elephant moved to a nearby pond to drink water. The Army has decided, that the King flees and began to retreat. Left alone, Kassapa cut his throat. Moggallana ruined citadel, destroying the traces of the former owner, and taking power into their own hands, he restored the capital at Anuradhapura. Sigiriya The ruins were discovered in the middle of the XIX century English hunter. Now there are restoration works. The monument is under UNESCO protection. Thousands of tourists eager to Sri Lanka to see one of the wonders of the world!