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Turtle Hatchery

Черепаховая фермаOver the millennia, sea turtles are part of the ecosystem of the reef zone of the south-west coast of Sri Lanka. Every year, from deferred eggs along the coast, more than one million newborns hatched turtles, replenish the populations of five species of sea turtles that inhabit the coast of Sri Lanka. As a result of rampant destruction of the person, the number of turtles in the last decade has decreased to a critical level. Especially hard hit kind of Hawksbill. The eggs of turtles - the favorite dish of the locals, and tortoise shells were used as raw material for the manufacture of dies and other products. turtles Term life can reach 200 years old, and the tortoise shell adult can weigh about 8 kg. For an adult turtle shell locals could fetch up to 4,000 rupees. Thus the hunt for turtles would lead them to total destruction as a species.

Currently turtles protected by the state. There were enthusiasts who have cast their lot with the matter of protection is a type of marine animals. Thus it was established special centers (Turtle Farm), in which bring the eggs collected on the coast, then after hatching, the turtles are fed, and 3 days of age are released into the ocean. One such enthusiast is Abryu Chandrasiri, the founder of the center for the protection and rehabilitation of turtles in the town of Kosgoda. Visiting turtle center in Kosgoda, you can see the newly hatched baby turtles. Ibid found and adult turtles affected by human activity, as well as from animals that have no possibility of independent existence in the natural environment. Such turtle contained in special tanks and in the case of complete recovery available in the ocean.

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